Reutlingen University

Shaping the future. Together. Guided by this principle, students from over 80 countries discover the topics of tomorrow on our vibrant campus.

Our five schools - ESB Business School, School of Informatics, School of Life Sciences, School of Engineering and TEXOVERSUM School Textiles - offer students a business-oriented academic education with many exciting study programmes.

Our university values

Let's work together towards a sustainable future, because we all have a part in what our lives will be like tomorrow. Sustainable thinking and ethical action thus determine everyday life at the university, as well as numerous projects in which we are involved through extensive research and cooperation.

At Reutlingen University, mutual respect, open-mindedness and diversity are considered the basis for joint learning, research and teaching. Our campus and our five schools provide the ideal foundation for a mutually supportive and appreciative environment.

Reutlingen University embodies internationalism like no other comparable institution, and we live and breathe this sense of openness to the world. Accordingly, we cooperate with more than 200 international universities and have a share of around 20% of international students from all over the world.

We support our students in their daily life at the university both before and during their studies while also offering numerous training courses in various areas. This involves not only teaching basic knowledge, but also the all-important aspect of socialising. After all, studying and celebrating your achievements together is much more enjoyable.

Teaching & Learning

Professors, lecturers, students and staff work together to shape Reutlingen University as an interactive, productive and sociable place for teaching and studying. Our common goal is to enable our students to shape their future with a sense of professionalism and responsibility. 

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Cooperations & partnerships

Close collaboration with economic partners is an integral part of our Reutlingen University DNA. We work with both global players and high-performance mid-sized companies. Since the demand for qualified graduates will continue to increase in the following years, partnerships with the business community are essential to our philosphy.

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The University as employer

We want to motivate our employees and encourage them to be enthusiastic about the university. To this end, we offer a modern workspace in an attractive environment. From flexible working hours, continuing education and development opportunities to family-friendly home office arrangements - there are many advantages for you in working at Reutlingen University.

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In die digitale Zukunft des Fahrzeuginterieurs eingestiegen

Bei den Digital Mobility Design Days im TEXOVERSUM wagten Studierende und Unternehmen einen Blick in die Zukunft des Transportation Interior Designs.

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Bachelorarbeit in Kopenhagen

Vergabe des 35. Go-Out-Lions Stipendiums

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Gerome DeFrance/Neo.Fashion ©

TEXOVERSUM goes Fashion Week

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Re-Registration WiSe 2024/25

Be creative! Gestalte dein persönliches Visionboard!

Studieninfotag an der Hochschule Reutlingen

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