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Internationality at Reutlingen University

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International Profile


Nationalities on campus


Partner universities worldwide


Participating language courses

Internationality is one of our trademarks at Reutlingen University. We are continuously working on advancing internationalisation and adapting to current needs.
The following topics are currently in focus:

  1. Bilingual and intercultural campus

  2. Strengthen international cooperation

  3. Increase visibility of internationality at the university

  4. Increase international visibility of the university


Points on Internationalisation in the Current Structural & Development Plan

Bilingual and Intercultural Campus

  • Consolidate and digitally distribute information and services for international students on commencing their studies at the university
  • Further development of the Institute for Foreign Languages (IfF) into a "Language and Writing Centre"
  • Central coordination of translations (English) in the "Language and Writing Centre"
  • Strengthen Internationalisation@home
  • Creating a bilingual infrastructure

Strengthen/Intensify International Cooperation

  • Develop, implement and market a concept for innovative exchange programmes
  • Strengthen quality management of international cooperations
  • Introduction of new and expansion of existing (in-person and digital) formats in the areas of exchange, cooperation, advise and support
  • Implement Erasmus Without Papers (EWP), further develop international database Moveon4 and interface with HISinOne
  • Create stable personnel resources and define clear responsibilities (centralised/decentralised)

Increase Visibility of Internationality at the university and Increase International Visibility of the university

  • Create information material for partner universities and visiting scholars
  • Concept and implementation of international website (bilingual) - time schedule according to central communications department
  • Create social media channel Internationales
  • Participate in regional, national and international conferences and networks
  • Use of and active involvement in expert networks (e.g. DAAD, AvH, Fulbright, HRK, MWK, BWS, BWi, etc.)

Internationality in Teaching and Research

At Reutlingen University, a wide range of international and intercultural offers such as stays abroad, language courses and international collaborative projects are anchored in the curriculum. Intercultural competence and language skills are promoted through a range of measures, both on campus and through mobility abroad.


In addition to subject-specific and didactic competences, our instructors also bring language skills, international experience or an international background. They teach with the necessary intercultural sensitivity and openness, support international learning groups and include suitable case studies into courses.


Internationality also plays a major role in research at Reutlingen University. Be it cooperating with international partners, conducting research semesters abroad, participating in international conferences or (foreign language) publications for an international audience.

Partner Universities

Around 200 universities are in close contact with Reutlingen University and thus enable our students to make exciting experiences all over the world.

See all partner universities

Portrait von Baldur Veit

All students at Reutlingen University should have the opportunity to spend at least one semester in a non-German speaking country. For students who are not mobile, the university offers a wide range of opportunities to gain international experience on campus, e.g. through Internationalisation@home.

Prof. Baldur Veit, LL.D.

Head of Reutlingen International Office

Portrait von Daniela Almeida-Streitwieser

Our students are in constant contact with research-oriented, industry-related and interdisciplinary projects. Our relationship with international partners as well as our interest in forming teams with different backgrounds and cultures is of particular importance in order to better understand and target global challenges.

Prof. Dr. Daniela Almeida-Streitwieser

International Representative School of Life Sciences

Portrait von Andreas Taschner

What makes the university so international is primarily the cosmopolitan campus with its many languages and cultures, which can be experienced and experienced on a daily basis. For us as ESB, the link to the "global employability" of our graduates is of particular importance. We want to ensure that our students and graduates acquire international skills and gain international experience.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Taschner

International Representative ESB Business School

[Translate to English:]

Our international partnerships with universities around the world enable us to collaborate successfully in research and teaching. Student exchange is of particular importance to us. In the Faculty of Computer Science, we have deliberately created "mobility windows" that make it easier for students to spend a semester abroad.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Natividad Martínez Madrid and Prof. Dr. David Feierabend

International Representatives School of Informatics

Portrait von Ertugrul Soenmez

Engineering is characterised by international cooperation in diverse teams. As the TEC faculty, we systematically prepare our students for a diverse and international work culture. This integration increases the attractiveness of our (inter)national students, who enrich the labour market as sought-after engineers.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ertugrul Sönmez

International Representative School of Engineering

Portrait von Jochen Strähle

Internationality has been part of Reutlingen University's DNA since it was founded as a weaving school in 1855. At TEXOVERSUM we continue this tradition and the textile industry in particular is characterised by international links. In addition to student exchanges, international research projects are intended to provide inspiration for new technologies and processes at the German location.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle

International Representative TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles

Reutlingen International Office (RIO)

With its three departments, the International Office (AAA), the Institute for Foreign Languages (IfF) and the International Programmes (IP), the RIO is a central institution at the university and a point of contact for the entire range of international services both for German and international students, instructors and university visitors.

more about the rio


In addition to providing services for planning your stay abroad, we also offer programmes, courses and workshops for Internationalisation@home, so you can also acquire intercultural skills on site.


Our university staff has the opportunity for a short-term stay at a university abroad. You can also find further offers here.

Staff Offers


We are also happy to advise instructors at Reutlingen University on stays abroad and support them in acquiring and improving language skills.

Offers for Instructors

Exchange Students

International exchange students will get advice and information about their stay at the RIO. There is also a varied course and workshop programme.

Offers for International Exchange Students

Central Partners

Alongside the schools' partner universities, Reutlingen International Office (RIO) maintains an active exchange with universities in the following countries:

Australische Flagge
Brasilianische Flagge
Malaysische Flagge
Mexikanische Flagge
Neuseeländische Flagge
Russische Flagge
Südafrikanische Flagge
Südkoreanische Flagge
Taiwanesische Flagge
Amerikanische Flagge


Our central partners in Australia:


Our central partner in Brazil:


Our central partners in China:


Our central partner in Malaysia:

New Zealand

Our central partner in New Zealand:


Our central partner in Russia:

South Africa

Our central partner in South Africa:

South Korea

Our central partners in South Korea:


Our central partners in the USA:


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