Außenansicht von Gebäude 17 mit Glasfassade und Glasbrücke


Society needs committed and capable young people. That is why numerous public and private sponsors support motivated students with a scholarship.

What is a scholarship?

A scholarship is a financial (educational) grant that supports students and first-year students in covering the costs associated with their studies. In the most common form of scholarship, scholarship holders receive a fixed monthly payment over a certain period of time. In addition, there are scholarships that are awarded for special projects, such as (research) projects, theses or stays abroad, and are sometimes paid as reimbursement of expenses. In addition to financial support, many scholarship providers also offer ideational or content-related support in the form of educational and networking opportunities. Scholarships are thus doubly beneficial! Usually they do not even have to be reimbursed.

Who can apply?

Many scholarships target students with above-average performance. However, not only highly gifted students are considered for a scholarship! In general, students of all disciplines can apply, regardless of whether they are enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's programme or the stage of their studies. Some scholarships even support doctoral students. It is therefore always advisable to find out who is eligible for a scholarship and in which way.

What are the selection criteria?

The criteria for receiving a scholarship vary widely. Many scholarships are aimed at students with above-average performance. For public scholarship providers, other criteria are often particularly important, such as social or voluntary commitment. So even if you don't have the best grades, it can be worth investing time in the search for a scholarship!

The next scholarship info session will take place 15.10.2024 starting 19:00!

Missed the session? Here you can find a summary on available options for student funding (PDF)

Scholarships & foundations at the university

The "Deutschlandstipendium" is intended to support exceptionally gifted first-year students and students. The scholarship holders not only receive financial support, but are also in close contact with their sponsor. Some sponsors offer plant tours, networking meetings and recruiting programmes, and more.

Funding periodThe scholarship is valid for 1 year (September to August of the following year) and is financed half by the federal government and half by participating companies.
Funding amount300€ per month (regardless of income & BaFÖG benefits)
Selection criteria 
  • Applicants & first-year students: Abitur grade
  • Bachelor students: Abitur grade & previous academic achievements (50% each)
  • Master students: Bachelor grade
  • Criteria such as special personal or family circumstances, civic engagement as well as prizes and awards are also taken into account
Application period:29 July - 22 September

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This call for applications (PDF) is valid for the current application and award period from September 2024 to August 2025 and is based on the statutes  for the awarding of German scholarships. The call for applications publicly informs about the procedure for awarding scholarships.

More information   Click here to apply

The "Aufstiegsstipendium für Berufserfahrene" is a programme of the Federal Government and supports a first university degree - full-time or part-time. It is aimed at professionals with vocational training and at least two years of work experience who have demonstrated particular talent and commitment.


For whom:Experienced professionals who can prove completion of vocational training and subsequent professional activity of at least 2 years with a minimum of 19 hours/week.
Who promotes:The SBB - Foundation for the Promotion of the Gifted in Vocational Education and Training on behalf of & with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Funding level: 
  • 934 € plus 80€ book allowance (total of 1.014 €) per month for full-time studies (plus childcare allowance for children under 14: 160€ per child)
  • 2,900 € per year for part-time studies

See the current deadlines for the online application.

The 13 largest organisations for the promotion of gifted students in Germany award scholarships to students on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The amount of funding is the same everywhere and applicants must have a very good Abitur and social, political or church commitment. Some of the organisations that support gifted students are affiliated with political or ecclesiastical institutions. These include:


FoundationScholarships forContact at the university
Avicenna-Studienwerk (islamic) talented Muslim students of all disciplinesContact directly via the foundation

Cusanuswerk (catholic)

Catholic students of all disciplines with excellent professional qualifications & intellectual opennessProf. Dr. Volker Reichenberger
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (jewish)Gifted Jewish students & doctoral candidates of German nationalityProf. Dr. Helmut Nebeling
Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst (evangelic)Students with church, community, political or social commitmentContact directly via the foundation
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (sympathetic to the SPD)Students who are above average achievers & civically responsibleProf. Henning Eichinger
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (sympathetic to the FDP)Professionally convincing students with a liberal attitude & corresponding socio-political responsibilityProf. Dr. Stephan Seiter
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (sympathetic to the CSU)Students with a proven track record and a Christian social attitudeProf. Dr. Jochen Brune
Hans-Böckler-StiftungCommitted individuals who are already in professional life or who cannot finance higher education on their ownContact directly via the foundation
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (sympathetic to the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)Students with outstanding achievements & socio-political commitmentProf. Dr. Anna Goeddeke
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (sympathetic to the CDU)Above-average students with a sense of political responsibility & social open-mindednessProf. Dr. Bodo Herzog
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Beyer
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (sympathetic to Die Linke)Women, the socially deprived & people with disabilitiesContact directly via the foundation
Stiftung der Deutschen WirtschaftStudents with above-average academic performance & social commitmentProf. Dr. Rolf Daxhammer
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (politically, denominationally & ideologically independent)Regular students who distinguish themselves through performance, sense of responsibility & initiative

Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder
Prof. Dr. Stephan Höfer
Prof. Dr. Larissa Zierow

In addition to the funding opportunities offered by public foundations, there are a large number of private-sector foundations and initiatives that offer scholarships.



The Femtec.Network offers female students of STEM subjects at universities of applied sciences a solid opportunity for professional development and networking in programmes accompanying their studies. The network shows female students attractive career opportunities and increases their visibility in the professional context. The participating partner companies can specifically approach female students and explore possible career paths with them. The Femtec.Network primarily aims to create professional role models for women.


Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship is awarded by the Zonta International Foundation and is aimed at female students of business and related fields. For more than 100 years, the Zonta International Foundation has been committed to empowering women in the workplace and to bringing more women into corporate leadership roles.

The organisation offers 37 scholarships at $5,000 (US dollars) each. Since the programme began in 1998, approximately 700 scholarships have been awarded to female students from 66 nations. For more information on the scholarship and application process, visit the Zonta International Foundation website.



The Reinhold Beitlich Foundation goes back to the initiative of the Beitlich couple, who parted with most of their private assets in 1983 to establish the foundation with the capital. The foundation embodies the charitable and social aspirations of the company founder within the globally operating CHT Group. The foundation offers scholarships for students of all disciplines.



The scholarship programme of the Schmalenbach Foundation aims to ideally and financially support professionally qualified and socially committed students in a business-oriented Master's programme. 



The companies of the metal and electrical industry support students from technical and scientific courses of study with the Südweststipendium. The scholarship of the Association of the Metal and Electrical Industry Baden-Württemberg, Südwestmetall offers:

  • A scholarship of at least 1,000€ for one year
  • Insights into professional practice through internships, final theses or working student activities
  • Getting to know potential employers

Reutlingen University offers a total of 12 doctoral scholarships in cooperation with Stuttgart University in the cooperative doctoral programme "Services Computing". You can find more information on the research focus, funding amount, duration, selection and application on the intranet.

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