Press Service at Reutlingen University

Do you want to cover Reutlingen University or are you looking for an expert opinion? We will gladly provide you with the information you need or connect you with interesting interview partners on site.


University Communications & Marketing

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Press Officer, Media Relations and Corporate Design

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Press, Advertisements, Campaigns and Corporate Design, Image Material

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Digital Communication, Video & Photo Productions

Contact persons in our schools

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PR and Marketing for ESB Business School

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PR and Marketing for the School of Informatics

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PR and Marketing for the School of Life Sciences

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PR and Marketing for the School of Engineering

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PR and Marketing for TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles

Expert referral

Are you researching a specific topic and would like to speak to a competent expert? Our expert overview offers you a first insight into many interesting topics. If you are interested in an expert referral, we look forward to hearing from you.

Expert referral

Here you will find the right contact person on a wide range of topics.

GEA campus page

Once a month, the campus page appears in the Reutlinger General-Anzeiger (GEA), reporting on news, events and important facts about Reutlingen University. Enjoy the read!

Go to current issue (German only) (PDF)

University magazine camplus

Press releases

Gaby Höss ©

Kluge Köpfe für spannende Zeiten

285 Absolventinnen und Absolventen feiern ihren Abschluss an der ESB Business School

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Materialien mit Hightech durchschauen

Die Hochschule Reutlingen blickt mit einem neuem Nano-CT ins Innere von Festkörpern

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Ein neuer Anfang mit steigenden Zahlen: Hochschule Reutlingen startet ins Wintersemester

Über 1.100 Studierende beginnen ihr Studium an der Hochschule Reutlingen

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