Studierende lernen gemeinsam mit Freunden im Freilufthörsaal
Studierende lernen gemeinsam mit Freunden im Freilufthörsaal

Outgoing Students

Hardly anything can shape and change one's life as much as a semester abroad. And since international academic exchange is a core competence at Reutlingen University, all of our students have the chance to spend a semester abroad.

Ways to Go Abroad


Reutlingen University offers tuition-free exchange places at more than 80 partner institutions worldwide. The places are highly sought after so find out about the necessary steps early on.


KOOR in Karlsruhe is the first port of call for internships abroad at research institutions or in companies and coordinates the university's scholarships for practical study visits.

Staff Exchange

Through ERASMUS+, university instructors and staff have the opportunity to spend a week at one of our European partner institutions.

Study abroad

If you are interested in studying abroad, you should consider the following points:

  1. Obtain initial information about our partner universities on the websites of your degree programme.
  2. Contact your degree programme to clarify important information and requirements in advance (at least 6 months in advance).
  3. If necessary, obtain additional information from the Reutlingen International Office (RIO).
  4. Submit your application documents by the deadline.
  5. After a successful application, you will receive your Letter of Acceptance directly from the partner university.
  6. Please organise your stay at the partner university (course planning, travel, financing, visa, health insurance, etc.) as early as possible.

Internship abroad

If you are interested in an internship abroad, please note the following points:

  1. Contact your degree programme to clarify important information and requirements in advance (at least 6 months in advance).
  2. If necessary, obtain additional information from the Reutlingen International Office (RIO).
  3. Find out about suitable internships. Search independently and on your own responsibility.
  4. After a successful application, you will receive an internship contract from the responsible office of the respective company/institution.
  5. You will receive your acceptance letter or internship contract.
  6. Please organise your stay abroad (accommodation, travel, visa, health insurance, etc.) as early as possible.

Staff Exchange

University staff from the following areas are eligible for funding:

  • General & technical administration
  • Library
  • Departments
  • Faculties
  • Finance
  • International Office
  • Public Relations
  • Student Advisory Service
  • Technology & Transfer
  • Continuing Education

Common continuing education formats include: Job shadowing, study visits, participation in workshops and seminars, language courses, etc.

Partner Universities

Students interested in studying abroad have many options in Reutlingen. Bilateral agreements with universities in Africa and Asia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand as well as Russia and the Middle East make it possible. You can find the exchange opportunities for your degree programme on the pages of your faculty and in our database.

see all universities

Step by Step










(Tuition) Fees and Registration


  • Initial information via the programme's website (partner universities)
  • Find out about your degree programme (at least 6 months in advance)
  • Find out more in the RIO if necessary
  • Submit your application documents on time
  • You will receive your Letter of Acceptance from the partner university.
  • You will take care of the administration at the university, course planning, travel, finances, visa and health insurance.


  • Find out about your degree programme (at least 6 months in advance).
  • Inform yourself in the RIO if necessary
  • Search for an internship and apply
  • You will receive your acceptance letter or internship contract.
  • You take care of the administration at the university, course planning, travel, finances, visa, health insurance.


As a rule, no visa is required for a stay in EU countries, but a valid identity card or passport is required. Outside the EU, however, a passport (identity card is not sufficient!) and a visa is required for a stay of more than 3 months.

Please note in good time that your passport must be valid until after the end of the study period when you submit your visa application (varies depending on the country, preferably until 6 months after the end of the study period).

The embassies and consulates of foreign countries provide information on visas for a study or internship stay. Applications are also submitted there. It is advisable to apply for the visa early, immediately after you have been accepted by the host university, as the processing time usually takes 6-8 weeks.


You must also have health insurance during your stay abroad. In EU member states, statutory health insurance usually applies. Request an EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) from your health insurance company before you leave, if you do not already have it. In addition, clarify with your health insurance company the insurance cover for the country in which you are studying. It is often recommended that you take out additional private health insurance, e.g. for Great Britain.

When studying abroad outside the EU, you have to pay attention to special regulations of the different countries/partner universities. In many cases, the partner university recommends health insurance or the consulate (for visa application), or the partner university prescribes valid insurances for the respective country/partner university.

During your stay abroad, the statutory health insurance cover in Germany remains in force and the contributions must continue to be paid.

Tuition fees and re-registration

Students who complete a semester abroad must still pay the administration fee of € 70 and the Studierendenwerk fee of € 82.80 at Reutlingen University. This amount must be transferred within the re-registration period.

Students who do their compulsory practical semester abroad must still transfer the semester fee of currently € 167.30 within the re-registration period.

Students who complete a voluntary internship abroad must take a leave of absence from Reutlingen University.


There are various financing options available to you for a stay abroad. In addition to the general scholarships, it is also possible to receive a special scholarship abroad. For detailed information on the call for applications, application and rates, please refer to the intranet.


The higher education programme ERASMUS +, a great success story of the European Union, has been promoting cross-border mobility of students, lecturers and university staff in Europe since 1987.

University and Erasmus


The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) as the national agency offers a variety of scholarship programmes for students and academics. Here you can find information on the PROMOS programme.


HAW.International promotes study stays abroad, theses abroad, interships abroad or participating in a congress or fair abroad. 

to the call for tenders

BW Stiftung ©

Baden-Württemberg Foundation

With the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM, the Baden-Württemberg Foundation aims to promote the international exchange of highly qualified German and foreign students.

To the call for tenders



Fulbright Commission

Anyone who would like to study at a US university as a graduate student for four to nine months in the academic year 2022-2023 can apply now for a study scholarship from the Fulbright Commission.

Reutlinger Stadthalle und Tübinger Tor bei SonnenaufgangStadt Reutlingen ©

Reutlingen Scholarships

Students with appropriate qualifications have the opportunity to receive the Go-Out Lions Scholarship or the Reutlingen Mobility Scholarship.


Funding for a study period abroad with the help of Auslands-BAföG is guaranteed up to the duration of one year.

to the call for tenders


Sprachliche Vorbereitung auf den Start des Wintersemesters

Das Institut für Fremdsprachen (IfF) bereitet internationale Studierende auf das neue Semester vor

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„Voneinander lernen – miteinander kooperieren“

Ukrainische Partneruniversität aus Dnipro zu Gast an der Hochschule Reutlingen

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Forschungspraktikum in Kanada

Vergabe des 33. Go-Out-Lions-Stipendium

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I often heard from other exchange students that Flint is not the best place for an exchange semester. They complained there was not much to do in Flint and that the Campus Village where all exchange students stayed was always deserted. Reflecting on my stay in Flint at Kettering I could not disagree more!


Semester abroad in Flint (Michigan)

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