Research at Reutlingen University

Research at Reutlingen University is conducted under the umbrella of the Reutlingen Research Institute (RRI) - application-oriented, practical and closely interlinked with teaching, including on megatrends such as artificial intelligence, digitalisation and climate protection.

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Our research in numbers

8,83 Mio €

Third-party research funds




Research projects


Research active professors


Research staff


PhD students

Our research topics

Applied Artificial Intelligence

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Computer Assisted Medicine

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Decentralised energy systems and energy efficiency

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Digital Business

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Distributed Ledger Technologies

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Electronics & Drives

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Process Analysis and Technology

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Smart Biomaterials

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Strategy, Organisation and Digital Technology (SOT)

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Machine tools, manufacturing systems and control technology

Value creation and logistics systems

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Machine Tools, Manufacturing Systems and Control Engineering Research Group

Since 2010, the Machine Tools, Manufacturing Systems and Control Technology research group has focused on topics in the area of construction, optimisation and design of machines as well as entire manufacturing plants. It also deals with the processes running on these systems for the production of ready-to-install workpieces as well as the investigation of the static, dynamic, thermal, geometric and kinematic behaviour of components and entire machines.


Cooperation opportunity

Research, Transfer and Innovation

Zusammenarbeit mit den Forscher:innen der Hochschule Reutlingen

Wir forschen nicht im Elfenbeinturm. Im Gegenteil: Als Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften haben wir den Auftrag, neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der Industrie und der Gesellschaft zugänglich zu machen. Unsere Professor:innen forschen in starken Verbünden aus Hochschulen, Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten, Kommunen und Unternehmen.  Dabei gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit:

  • im Rahmen von öffentlich geförderten Drittmittelprojekten (mit Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen)
  • ergebnisoffene Erforschung einer gemeinsam definierten Fragestellung im Rahmen von Kooperationsforschungsprojekten (mit Unternehmen)
  • zielorientierte Forschungsdienstleistung für Unternehmen im Rahmen von Auftragsforschungsprojekten

Sprechen Sie uns an!

Die Hochschule Reutlingen bietet darüber hinaus im Raum Neckaralb ideale Möglichkeiten für junge Entrepreneurs ihre Geschäftsideen zu realisieren. Die zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle Fragen rund um die Themen Innovation, Unternehmertum und Gründung ist das Center vor Entrepreneurship.

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Research structures

Teaching and research centres

With the innovative concept of the teaching and research centres, we address topics of the future. A Master's degree programme in the respective research area ensures close integration with teaching.

Research centres

Particularly strong research professors who acquire and publish a lot of third-party funding conduct research on the topics of our time in our three interdisciplinary research centres.

Research groups

Professors from different disciplines pool their expertise in our seven inter-faculty research groups.

Teaching and research centres at Reutlingen University

  • Electronics & Drives (E&D)
  • Herman Hollerith Centre for Services Computing (HHZ)
  • Process Analysis and Technology (PA&T)
  • Reutlingen Energy Centre for Decentralised Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency (REZ)
  • Centre for Interactive Materials (IMAT)
  • Value Creation and Logistics Systems (WLS)

Research centres at Reutlingen University

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI-X)
  • Smart Biomaterials
  • Strategy, Organisation and Digital Technology (SOT)

Research groups at Reutlingen University

  • Computerunterstützte Medizin
  • Digitalisierung und Verwaltung
  • Verteilte Ledger Technologien (DLT-lab)
  • Geschäfte in Afrika machen
  • Bewältigung des Wandels in Organisation, Arbeit und Gesellschaft (OWoS)
  • Sportmanagement
  • Werkzeugmaschinen


3. Electronics & Drives Day am 23. Juli

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Neues Herstellverfahren für individualisierte Krebstherapeutika

Prof. Dr. Jörg Mittelstät von der Fakultät Life Sciences der Hochschule Reutlingen forscht an einem verbesserten Herstellverfahren für Zelltherapeutika zur Behandlung von Krebs.

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Daniel Schorr ©

Wissenschaftsministerin informiert sich über den Erfolgskurs des Herman Hollerith Zentrums

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Changing portraits of our researchers

Interesting articles from
our research magazine

The current Research Magazine "Resilienz" (PDF)

Last stop Nairobi

The clothing industry needs to become more sustainable. But in order to achieve this, we consumers need to change our behaviour. Science can also make a contribution. Reutlingen University is involved in a number of ambitious recycling projects.  

Read the full Article (PDF)

20 kilometres with a pork schnitzel

Professor Dieter Hertweck from the Hermann Hollerith Zentrum is developing concepts to make our supply of raw materials, energy and food more resilient and sustainable. One outcome is a model for evaluating value chains, in organic farming, for example.

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One hundred percent passion for zero energy

Philipp Tiefenbach is a baker and passionate hobbyist. Thanks to his energy-saving ideas, he is a shining example for his industry and many other artisan businesses, says Werner König from Reutlingen University. He is supporting the Tiefenbach bakery in a research project.

Read the full Article (PDF)

Relevant information


Open Access (OA)

International research strength

Ensuring good scientific practice

Focal points HRK Research Map

Gender Equality Plan

Research data management

Promovieren in Reutlingen

In autumn 2022, the universities of applied sciences (HAW) in Baden-Württemberg have been granted the right to award doctorates within the framework of a doctoral association. All state HAWs and the three church-run universities in Baden-Württemberg belong to the association. A doctoral centre was also set up for professors who are particularly strong in research to ensure quality assurance and exchange across research boundaries. All members of the doctoral centre can complete doctorates, the doctoral degree is awarded by the association, and the participation of a university is no longer mandatory.

A total of 223 founding members have qualified for the doctoral centre, 20 of whom are professors at Reutlingen University. This means that the university is strongly represented and can cover a broad thematic spectrum. From social sciences, behavioural sciences and economics to computer science, electrical engineering and engineering sciences to life sciences, biotechnology and medical technology - in all these subject areas, doctorates can be supervised at Reutlingen University in the future. Other professors can be accepted as members of the association if they meet the criteria regarding research strength.

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Open Access

Open Access improves the supply of information to science, facilitates the transfer of research results to industry and enables easy access to knowledge and information. Freely accessible OA publications are open to innovative evaluation procedures. The digital re-use of scientific findings enables new research approaches and innovations.

Reutlingen University strongly supports the expansion of Open Access with suitable infrastructures, procedures and contact persons. It advocates that research results be made accessible worldwide without restrictions for the benefit of science and society.

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European University Association

The university has been a member of the European University Association (EUA) since January 2018. Membership in the Association of European Research Universities brings new opportunities for influence, especially in European education policy, and improves cooperation opportunities across Germany and Europe. As a result, the traditionally pronounced internationalisation in teaching is strengthened by new international research activities. Reutlingen University's research strength was decisive for its acceptance into the EUA.

Rules to ensure good scientific practice

Scientific work is based on fundamental principles, such as working lege artis, strict honesty and critical discourse, which apply equally to all scientific disciplines. In its statutes, Reutlingen University defines principles to ensure good scientific practice and to deal with scientific misconduct.

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Research map

In terms of subject matter, the activities in RRI can be assigned to three interdisciplinary research foci. The research foci reflect the breadth of research at RRI, and they offer a reflection of the competencies at the university, which are fed by the various faculties - from the technical faculties to computer science and economics.

Profile-forming research subject:
Robustness and long-term behaviour of power semiconductors and integrated systems including electronic design automation as well as energy technology and economics.

Primary research activities take place in the field of engineering sciences, as well as in the two research centres Electronics & Drives and the Reutlingen Energy Centre for Decentralised Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency.

Profile-forming research subject:
Systems and processes as well as economic aspects and business models in production and logistics including handling and transport systems and additive manufacturing.

Primary research activities take place in the area of economics, as well as in the Value Creation and Logistics Systems Research Centre.

Profile-forming research focus:
Research and development of new materials, products and processes for plastics chemistry, textiles, machinery, also processes of production as well as their analysis and optimisation including necessary IT and communication technologies.

Primary research activities take place in the areas of Applied Chemistry, Informatics and Textile&Design, as well as in the research centres Process Analysis & Technology, Herman Hollerith Centre for Services Computing and Centre for Interactive Materials.

These focal points are also listed in the research map of the German Rectors' Conference and are thus independently evaluated as such.

Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

Reutlingen University's mission statement enshrines an understanding of equality as an opportunity and resource. The aim is to develop a university culture in which equality of persons of all genders is a matter of course. To this end, the university has drawn up a Gender Equality Plan.

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Research data management

Research data management is the process that encompasses the collection, storage, organization, security, sharing, and utilization of data within the context of scientific investigations. Effective management of research data is crucial to ensure their integrity, traceability, and reusability.

Reutlingen University adheres to the FAIR principles ("Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable"): data should be easily findable, provide clear access options, be interoperable to facilitate easy integration with other data, and finally, be documented and structured in a way that allows other researchers to reuse them. Applying these principles promotes openness, transparency, and collaboration within the scientific community and facilitates the replicability of research results.

The topic of research data management is given corresponding importance at Reutlingen University and is centrally supported and further developed as a cross-sectional task by the library / Learning Centre, the Computer & Media Centre (RMZ), and the Reutlingen Research Institute.

Moreover, Reutlingen University is a partner in the joint project FORTH-BW: Development and Implementation of Demand-Oriented Research Data Management at Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg, along with Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen (HfWU), Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart (HdM), Hochschule Konstanz - Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG), Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (HFT), and Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl. For any questions regarding research data management, we are available at the following email address:


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