Reutlinger Lehrzentrum Grundlagen (RLG)

The "Reutlinger Lehrzentrum Grundlagen" (RLG) is a central institution of the university, consisting of the Physics Centre and the Mathematics Forum. The members of the RLG are professors and university staff who teach basic maths and physics courses.

Physics Centre

In addition to the teaching staff, the Physics Centre also includes lecture rooms, experimental collections and laboratories and is located in building 4. All professors are assigned to a given school and provide practical courses in physics for the various degree programmes.



Prof. Dr. Stephan Pitsch (TEC)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 7014

Prof. Dr. habil. Marc Brecht (LS)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2065

Prof. Dr.  Ralf Kemkemer (LS)

 Tel.: +49 7121 271 2070

Prof. Dr. Katrin Reblinsky (TEX)

 Tel.: +49 7121 271 2056


Dipl. Phys. Margit Cröni 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2054

Dr. Karin Hehl 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2060

Dipl. Phys. Karl Lux

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2031

Dipl. Päd. Arne Hans Peters 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2053

Dipl. Phys. Kirsten Wegendt 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2071

Dr. Hilmar Wittel 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2030

Maths Forum

Regular meetings of university staff involved in teaching maths provide an opportunity for professional exchange and serve as a platform for working on joint projects for the further development of teaching.




Prof. Dr. habil. Marc Brecht (LS)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2065

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cristóbal Curio (INF)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 4005

Prof. Dr. Marlene Ferencz (ESB)Tel.: +49 7121 271 6030

Prof. Dr. Anna Göddeke (ESB)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 3102
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Himpel (INF)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 4006

Prof. Dr. Christian Höfert (TEC)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 7058
Prof. Dr. Ralf Kemkemer (LS)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2070

Prof. Dr. Dominik Lucke (ESB)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 5005

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Mössner (INF)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 4085
Prof. Dr. Jörg Naeve (ESB)Tel.: +49 7121 271 3071
Prof. Dr. Barbara Priwitzer (TEC)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 7143

Prof. Dr. Volker Reichenberger (ESB)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 3090

Prof. Dr. Christian Thies (INF)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 4076



Ann-Marie Schlosser

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2033


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