
The basics of searching for literature

Do you need help finding relevant literature for your subject? No problem!

Our regular research courses (in German) give you a 30 minute insight into everything you need to know to start your paper or project: where you can find high quality literature, our tool for collecting and managing your search terms and tips for using different databases.

Our next events are:

Tuesday 23rd April: 15.30-16.00

Wednesday 8th May: 15.30-16.00

Monday 27th May: 15.30-16.00

Here you can find all of the upcoming dates and sign up.

Do you already know the basics but are still feeling stuck? Then our individual consultations are the right thing for you! Or come spontaneously to our Research Drop-In, every Tuesday between 1 and 2.30 pm in the Learning Centre.

You can find further support and courseshere, or get in touch to organise a webinar in English for you and your friends.

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